Welcome I teach and write in the
field of jurisprudence, broadly understood, extending to issues in criminal law, legal history, constitutional theory and
comparative law. I am currently a Research Fellow at the Faculty of Law of the University of Oxford, in association with the Programme for the Foundations of Law and Constitutional Government. I also lecture at the University of Barcelona. Until 2014 (before a career break), I was a Fellow and Tutor in Law at Worcester College Oxford. My monograph Legal
Validity: The Fabric of
Justice (Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2019) has now been released. It probes the moral point of our everyday
notion of legal validity (as in valid statutes, valid
credit cards, valid contracts,
valid deportation orders...). I am finalizing a second, shorter monograph, titled A Short History of Legal Validity and Invalidity: Foundations of Private and Public Law,
to appear with Intersentia, Cambridge, later this year. It shows that
the notions of validity and invalidity have revealing historical roots
that legal scholarship has unduly neglected. Our co-authored
book Legislated
Rights: Securing Human Rights Through Legislation (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press,
2018) explores the relative capacities
legislatures to help political communities advance justice. Other
publications and work in progress are listed here.
As for my origins: I am partly a compatriot of Schiller, a man who understood that 'seriousness' (Ernst) in work is more closely tied to earnest effort than to lack of humour:
I am fortunate to share a cultural heritage with the person who envisaged (in writing and in drawing) that
translates in two possible ways -- and the difference matters:
And my mother tongue is beautiful Catalan, the language in which Lluís Llach sings the 'Himne per no guanyar' (mp3)- the Hymn for not winning any battle that is not worth fighting. |