The main purpose of this website is to provide information about the past, present and future activities of the Jurisprudence Discussion Group (JDG). It is addressed to those regularly attending the JDG as well as to anyone (whether or not from Oxford) interested in coming along. It will also be useful to those eager to keep an eye on what is going on in this corner of the jurisprudential world. Having an online platform makes participation both dynamic and wide -- as was proven by Danny Priel's splendid JDG website (2003-2005), which the present website replaces. This website further aims to give an insight into the 'backstage' of this popular forum, and to convey a sense of the informal (but nonetheless rigorous) tone that has always inspired it. Assertions made in the sections on the origins, history, purpose, etc. of the JDG are factually accurate to the extent the site editor has been able to verify. In these sections, as elsewhere on the website, all opinions expressed or implied are the author's own (and sometimes not even that!) and do not necessarily represent the voice of the other JDG convenors nor indeed of anyone involved in organising, funding or otherwise supporting the JDG. All pictures on the right hand side, as well as most portraits (left), are by the site editor. In case your portrait should be here and it isn't, this is simply because we do not have your picture. Please send us one (max. 50kb file size) and we will include it! The site editor is Maris Köpcke Tinturé, to whom all inquiries and comments about the website should be addressed, and who is responsible for all mistakes, inconsistencies and hyperboles.