
Schedule for TT2009 ( Go
to current week)
We meet at the Goodhart
Seminar Room in University College, starting at
8pm; come at 7.45pm for pre-talk drinks!
Week 0 (Thu, 23 Apr): Alon Harel |
Note: meeting in 0th week Outsourcing Violence? 
let these usurpers consider that they, much more than I, deserve that
ignominy with which I am myself visited. For it is not I who kill the
criminals who die beneath my blows; it is Justice that sacrifices them,
it is Justice that makes me the avenger of society. Should not this
appellation rather honour than abase me...Will philosophy not succeed
in making my profession a glorious one"
of the Public Executioner against Those Who Have Exercised His
Profession without having Served Out their Apprenticeship from Arthur
Isak Applbaum, Ethics for Adversaries: The Morality of Roles in Public
and Professional Life 15 (1999))
This paper develops a
theory of "inherently governmental powers." Inherently governmental
powers are the powers designed to execute or implement fundamental
societal decisions, e.g., the decision to criminalize certain
behaviour, the decision to inflict a certain sanction or to the
decision to initiate a war or to end a war. While most theorists agree
that the fundamental societal decisions of the type described above
ought only to be made by the state, there are many theorists who
believe that the power to execute or implement these decisions can be
transferred to private entities. Thus, for instance, while only the
state can criminalize behaviour, private prisons can execute the
punishment; while only the state can initiate a war, private entities
can fight it etc. This paper disputes this claim. By transferring
powers of execution or implementation of fundamental societal decisions
to private entities,the state severs the link between its fundamental
societal decisions and the private actions designed to execute these
decisions. Private entities which imprison people or soldiers who are
hired to fight a war ought to be regarded not merely as executing or
implementing public decisions. Instead, they ought to be regarded as
private entities whose own private judgements concerning the
appropriateness of the sanctions they inflict or the justifiability of
the war they fight are prerequisite for the performance of their jobs.
The contribution to the genesis of the action of the private entity
made by the court's decision to inflict a sanction or the state's
decision to go to war is, so to speak, superseded by the individuals'
own judgements
Alon Harel is Professor of Law at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
Week 1 (Thu, 30 Apr): Gregory Klass |
Duties and Powers
plan to talk about some ideas that I am in the early stages of developing
which relate to the distinction between power-conferring and
duty-imposing rules. The ideas originated in a recent article of mine
on contract theory, Three Pictures of Contract: Duty, Power, and
Compound Rule. I’ve sent along a précis of that piece, which you might read. (The full paper is available on SSRN.) In the talk, I’ll defend approximately four theses. The
first is methodological: The concepts of power-conferring and
duty-imposing rules are best defined functionally, with reference to
the purposes of laws of each type. Individual laws, however, do not
always wear their functions on their sleeves. Once we have the concepts
of duty-imposing and power-conferring rules, there remains a further
question: How do we tell whether a given law is power-conferring or
duty-imposing? I suggest we do so by adopting a design stance towards
the law: treating it as a tool, and abducing its intended purpose. The
second and third theses concern what criteria we can use to identify
laws as power-conferring. Here I limit my discussion to
power-conferring rules of the legislative type. One sure mark of a
power-conferring function can be found in laws that condition legal
change on acts that ensure that it is the actor’s purpose to effect
just that change. Such laws include conditions of validity that sort
for a legal purpose. One example can be found in laws that utilize
required legal formalities. Such laws require the performance of an act
that has no meaning or normative significance other than its legal
effect. By conditioning legal change on the actor’s compliance with a
legal formality, the law can ensure that it is among her purposes to
effect such change. There are, however, other mechanisms that
power-conferring laws use to ensure the actor’s legal purpose. These
include requiring a speech act, conventional or not, with the right
directive or commissive meaning – an act that can be translated in a
sentence of the form to “I hereby . . .” – and requiring an express
statement of intent. Laws that include such conditions of validity
serve a power-conferring function. The third claim is that, while
conditions of validity that sort for legal purpose are sufficient to
identify a law as power conferring, they are not necessary for
identifying a law as such. In other words, there are power-conferring
laws that do not include mechanisms that sort for the right legal
purpose. I argue that these are laws that function at one and the same
time both to confer powers and to impose duties, and I suggest
reserving the term “compound laws” to describe them. The basic
identifying feature of a compound law is that it is structured in a way
that anticipates and enables its purposive use without conditioning
legal change on having such a purpose. Three Pictures of Contract argue
that contract law is best viewed as a compound law of this sort. Lastly,
I want to suggest some other examples of compound laws. Marriage is
another legislative-type compound law. Most U.S. states recognize
informal marriages, in which the parties never undertake a ceremonial
or other legally significant act. Many people, however, do marry in
part because they want the change in legal status, and the law provides
them formal means of doing so with greater certainty. This suggests
that the reasons the law recognizes marriage involve both duty-imposing
and power-conferring considerations. Guido Calabresi has recently
suggested another possible example, one involving not the power to
legislate but the power to prosecute. His claim is that writ of
Trespass on the Case was originally solely a power-conferring law, in
which the victim acted as a sort of private attorney general. The
victim, according to this story, was granted the power to bring the
writ solely for the purpose of deterring the relevant forms of
wrongdoing. Because damages were paid to the victim, however, there
emerged a sense of entitlement to them. Thus what was originally a
power-conferring rule gave rise to a right to compensation, and
therefore to the injurer’s second-order duty to compensate. Calabresi’s
claim is that the law today plays both a power-conferring function,
granting injured parties the power to prosecute certain wrongs, and a
duty-imposing function, requiring injurers to compensate for harms
Gregory Klass is Associate Professor at Georgetown University.
Week 2 (Thu, 7 May): Annabelle Lever |
Democracy and Judicial Review: Are They Really Incompatible? 
article shows that judicial review has a democratic justification even
though judges may be no better at protecting rights than legislatures.
That justification is procedural, not consequentialist. The point
of judicial review, I argue, is to symbolize and give expression to the
authority of citizens over their governors, not to reflect the wisdom,
trustworthiness or competence of judges and legislators. Above a
threshold level of competence – which may be impossible to determine
a-priori – the legitimacy of judicial review does not turn on the
special wisdom, virtue or personal qualities of judges. Instead,
it reflects the importance that democracies properly attach to the
ordinary virtues and competences of individuals. Hence, this
article takes issue with the defence of judicial review in Eisgruber and Brettschneider, as well as with the critiques of judicial review found in Waldron and Bellamy. PS
- While parts of this paper have been presented before, most of it -
and, especially the most contentious bits - are new, and have not
been presented anywhere else. I would really appreciate advice on the
implications of these arguments (if they are right).
Annabelle Lever is Fellow in Philosophy at LSE.
Week 3 (Thu, 14 May): Samuel Bray |
Power Rules 
Essay analyzes a way that law can protect a vulnerable person from
a powerful one. Law's usual method is to penalize the powerful person
if she harms the vulnerable person. But sometimes law turns
its focus from regulating the infliction of harm to regulating
the accumulation of power to inflict harm. Legal rules that
reflect this shift in focus can be called "power rules," because
they expressly restructure underlying relations of power and
vulnerability. Power rules are attractive because they allow legal
regulation of situations in which rules directly regulating harm
("harm rules") are not possible; in other situations, power rules
can complement harm rules and improve their effectiveness. But
power rules have drawbacks, too: they tend toward overbreadth,
they encourage more use of expressive lawmaking, and they increase
prosecutorial supremacy. The concept of power rules helps explain
patterns in the use of legal rules, at least in the legal system
of the United States, and it illuminates the trade-offs involved when
lawmakers choose between different methods of protecting
vulnerable persons.
Samuel Bray is Associate-in-Law at Columbia Law School.
Week 4 |
Wed, 20 May: Mitch Berman |
Note: change of weekday Rules of the Game: How Law Illuminates Sports; How Sports Illuminate Law As
formal rule-governed practices, organized sports and municipal legal
systems often pursue similar goals and confront many of the same
challenges. For example, each domain must decide: to what extent to
guide conduct by formal as opposed to informal norms, and, if the
former, by rules or by standards; when to delegate discretion to the
adjudicators (judges, juries, referees), and how best to constrain it;
how, if at all, to provide for appellate review; how to conceptualize,
deter, and sanction “cheating”; how to identify and rectify gaps
between “the law in the books” and “the law in action”; how to respond
to problems of epistemic uncertainty; and much else besides. The
ambition of this project—which might be understood as straddling a line
between jurisprudence and comparative law—is not merely to identify
similarities, but to draw forth lessons from one domain (including from
a single sport or a particular legal department) that allow us to
better understand a rule or practice in the other, or that offer a
sturdy basis for criticizing, and thus reforming, what had previously
been accepted. I do not intend to develop or defend any particular
thesis at the workshop. Instead, I hope to enlist participants’
help in exploring a small handful of puzzles that I will briefly
introduce. Additionally, I will ask participants to educate me
about any rules or incidents of sports with which you are likely to be
far more familiar than am I (including without limitation cricket,
football, rugby, and golf) that you believe might repay jurisprudential
Mitch Berman is Professor of Law at the University of Texas.
Thu, 21 May | @12.30pm: Jonathan Schaffer | Note:
session co-organized with the Private Law Discussion Group, taking
place at the Lecture Room I, Law Faculty (St Cross Building) (lunchtime
Contrastive Causation in the Law
I will argue for a contrastive view of causation, with special reference to the role of causation in the law. On the contrastive view, causation is a four-place relation (c rather than c* causes e rather than e*), with reference to specific contrasts (c* and e*) for the cause and the effect. Instead of considering whether the effect would have occurred if the cause had not occurred, the contrastive view instructs us to consider whether the specific effectual alternative would have occurred if the specific causal alternative had occurred. I will argue that this provides a more discriminating test for causation in the law, in two main ways.First, instead of considering the general supposition of the breach not occurring (which, on the standard semantics for counterfactuals, could involve other unlawful conduct instead), we consider the specific alternative of lawful conduct occurring. Second, instead of considering whether the actual injury at issue would not have occurred (which, on the standard semantics for counterfactuals, could obtain if some other worse injury would have occurred instead), we consider the specific alternative of a lesser injury occurring. The specification of lawful conduct as the contrast to the cause is essential to ensuring that the right counterfactual alternative gets assessed, and the consideration of the less injurious outcome as the contrast to the effect is essential to determining the damages that may be recovered.
Jonathan Schaffer is Professor of Philosophy at the Australian National University
| @6pm: Special Event: Discussion Panel | Causation and Responsibility
A discussion panel with Professors Michael Moore, John Gardner, Jonathan Schaffer and Jane Stapleton, based on Michael Moore's recent book (OUP 2009)
6pm (drinks and refreshments from 5.30pm)
Lecture Theatre II, Faculty of Law, St Cross Building
Michael Moore holds the Charles R. Walgreen, Jr. Chair at the College of Law, University of Illinois John Gardner is Professor of Jurisprudence and Fellow of University College, Oxford Jonathan Schaffer is Professor of Philosophy at the Australian National University Jane Stapleton is Ernest E. Smith Professor of Law at the University of Texas
This event is kindly
co-sponsored by Oxford
University Press. The Oxford Jurisprudence Discussion Group is supported by Hart Publishing.
Week 5 (Thu, 28 May): Hanoch Sheinman |
Agreement as Joint Promise 
propose a largely individualistic general account of agreements
according to which an agreement is a joint action, namely an action the
parties perform together as one. The action agreement parties
jointly perform is promise. Specifically, each party to an
agreement promises the other to do her part of the agreement, neither
more nor less. Two promises add up to a joint promise (agreement)
just when they interdepend in the right way. On my proposal, the
interdependence of agreement promises is largely
causal-motivational. Specifically, each party’s promise causally
depends on that party’s earlier belief that (she promises later to do
her part of the agreement if an only if the other party promises later
to do his), and each party is aware of this causal dependence.
Hanoch Sheinman is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Rice University.
Week 6 (Thu, 4 Jun): Stephen Munzer |
Note: session cancelled due to illness A Corrective Justice Argument for Intellectual Property Rights in Traditional Knowledge 
knowledge (TK) is understanding or skill, which is typically possessed
by indigenous peoples and whose existence in some form usually predates
colonial contact, that relates to medicinal remedies, plant and animal
products, technologies, and cultural expressions. The term
“cultural expressions” includes religious rituals, songs, dances,
myths, the use of sacred objects, and folklore generally. At
present, it is hotly disputed whether domestic and international law
do, or should, protect TK. There are four main classes of
arguments for intellectual property (IP) rights in TK: property
arguments, human rights arguments, arguments of distributive justice,
and arguments of corrective justice. Here I am concerned only
with the last of these, which subdivides into arguments of compensatory
justice (roughly associated with damages at law) and restorative
justice (roughly associated with equitable relief, especially
injunctions and restitution). Such remedies are, in the context
of litigation, usually issued by courts. In contrast, reparations
can be a matter of both compensatory and restorative justice to rectify
past wrongs and are usually provided by treaty or the legislative or
executive branches of governments. This
paper contends that corrective justice arguments for IP rights in TK
are sometimes sound. They are sound if (1) wrongs have been
committed, (2) the wrongdoers are identifiable as a group or as
individual members of a group or both, (3) the wrongs unjustifiably
caused harm to an indigenous people or some of its members or both, (4)
the indigenous people is identifiable either as a group or as
individual members of the group who were harmed or both, (5) the
wrongdoers have a moral duty to correct their wrongs and the harm
caused, and (6) recognizing IP rights in TK would be an effective and
reasonably efficient means of compensating or restoring justice to the
indigenous people. When such arguments are
unsound, they are defective for various reasons. These reasons include
a failure of any of the six conditions just enumerated. Reasons
having to do with condition (6) include excessive variation in the
value of IP rights in TK, excessive variation in their content,
available remedies providing only “untargeted” payments or reparations
to “pools” of indigenous groups, and difficulties stemming from
transgenerational harms and the non-identity problem. A quite
different reason is that indigenous peoples may need or want other
remedies (e.g. land, health care, education, access to material
resources) more than they need or want IP rights in TK.
Stephen Munzer is Professor of Law at UCLA School of Law.
Week 7 (Thu, 11 Jun): Luis Duarte d'Almeida |
Legal Sex
Most contemporary legal systems
classify us as either ‘women’ or ‘men’. This labelling is normally
undertaken shortly after birth on the basis of observable external
anatomical features, and officially registered in a person’s birth
certificate. In this paper I use ‘legal sex’ to refer to such legally
applied sex labels: One’s legal sex is, e.g., ‘woman’ if one is
labelled by the law as ‘woman’. This classificatory system is meant to
be both exhaustive and exclusive; it also appears to assume that legal
determination of whether one is a ‘woman’ or a ‘man’ is a simple matter
of identifying or recognizing a natural reality (one’s ‘true’,
fact-of-the-matter sex) of which anatomical features at birth are taken
to be reliable indicia. Under this assumption, legal sex is, broadly
speaking, descriptive. In this paper I consider two strands of problems
connected with legal sex. First, I discuss some conceptual issues
raised by the relation between the assignment of legal sex and the
interpretation and application of legislative provisions which rely on
the difference between ‘men’ and ‘women’. Taking as a working example
the typical proscription of ‘same-sex’ marriage, I will suggest that
these provisions cannot function under the assumption that legal sex is
descriptive. If, however, legal sex is not descriptive, some particular
normative issues arise; these form the second set of problems I propose
to address.
Luis Duarte d'Almeida is PRS student at University College, Oxford.
Week 8 (Wed, 17 Jun): Guy Sela |
Note: change of weekday Moral Luck and Liability Lotteries 
who believe (with the majority of moral philosophers) that luck cannot
affect one’s moral standing (i.e. how culpable, blameworthy, at fault
etc. one is) and also believe (with many deontologists) that the reason
that wrongdoers ought to compensate their victims is that they are
culpable for this harm, face the following problem. For every wrongdoer
who causes compensable harm we can imagine a hypothetical wrongdoer who
ends up not causing that harm due to factors beyond his control (or in
other words luck) but who is similar to the actual wrongdoer in every
respect that is under their
control. Since the factors beyond his control cannot affect their
fault, how can they play a part in whatever justifies imposing a duty
to compensate on actual wrongdoers but not on counterfactual wrongdoers
who luckily end up not causing harm? In this paper I will examine
one solution to this problem. This is a solution offered by Jeremy
Waldron that builds on a similar argument made in the context of
punishment by David Lewis. In the first section I will explain the
solutions and how they aim to justify different punishment for
successful and unsuccessful criminal attempts and tort liability,
respectively. In the second section I will argue that the arguments’
way of justifying differential treatment of criminals and tortfeasors
cuts under the main ideas that seem to underlie these institutions and
that, at any rate, they only work if we presuppose some political order
that validates these institutions and renders them justifiable. The
arguments will thus not work in the absence of such order, in a state
of nature. Finally, I will argue in the third section that even if
these problems could somehow be overcome, the account of Lewis and
Waldron ultimately fails to solve the main problem that it set out to
solve, that of moral luck.
Guy Sela is D.Phil. student in Law at Keble College, Oxford.
Wed, 24 Jun: Special Event: Discussion Panel |
Lecture Theatre II, Faculty of Law (St Cross Building) RSVP (oxfordjdg@gmail.com) highly appreciated
Joseph Raz is Research Fellow and Emeritus Professor of Balliol College, Oxford Timothy Endicott is Professor of Legal Philosophy and Dean of the Faculty of Law, Oxford Roger Scruton is Research Professor for the Institute for the Psychological Sciences Nicos Stavropoulos is University Lecturer in Legal theory, Oxford
This event is
co-sponsored by Oxford
University Press. The Oxford Jurisprudence Discussion Group is kindly supported by Hart Publishing. | Thu, 25 Jun: Matthew Hanser |
Doing Another's Bidding
When an agent obeys an
order or accedes to a request there is a sense in which he subordinates
his will to that of another. What exactly is involved in such
subordination of the will? How should we evaluate acts of doing
what another tells or asks you to do?
Hanser is Professor of Philosophy at the University of California,
Santa Barbara, and this term's HLA Hart Fellow at the Oxford CEPL.
Week 10 (Thu, 2 Jul): Annalise Acorn |
Note: meeting in the Ryle Room, Faculty of Philosophy (10 Merton Street) Fear of Crime and Punishment
this paper I analyze the emotion of fear in its relation to crime and
the criminal law. I consider whether the criminal law aspires to
instill fear of punishment in the citizenry and I draw on Aristotle’s
discussion of fear in The Rhetoric
to examine some of the reasons why the law’s threat of punishment so
often fails to inspire fear in the law-breaker. I argue that if
Aristotle is right about the conditions under which we feel fear, the
threat of surveillance is perhaps more apt to inspire fear than is the
threat of punishment, howsoever severe. I also draw on Dostoyevsky’s
novel Crime and Punishment as well as Thucydides’ History of the Peloponnesian War in trying to uncover some insights about the role of fear in its relation to punishment and obedience.
Annalise Acorn is Professor of Law at the University of Alberta, and and this term's HLA Hart Fellow at the Oxford CEPL.
Week 11 (Thu, 9 Jul): Sylvie Delacroix |
Note: meeting in the Ryle Room, Faculty of Philosophy (10 Merton Street) You'd better be committed: Legal norms and normativity 
are many ways in which one may come to be committed to something.
Commitment can be the result of an act of will; it can also be the
culmination of some underlying disposition / sensibility. Part of the
challenge in articulating our commitment to morality consists in
understanding the interaction between its passive (we are all committed
to morality just in virtue of being human) and its active (if it is to
engage our responsibility, there has to be room for choice) dimensions. In
this paper, I seek to understand the role that this notion of
commitment has to play in our understanding of both moral and legal
normativity, as well as its link with the wider issue of
"response-dependence" (an issue which Gardner's own definition of norm
as "a kind of reason inescapably engaging the attention of any rational
being without further ado" conveniently sets aside).
Sylvie Delacroix is Lecturer in Law at University College London.
Week 12 (Thu, 16 Jul): Re'em Segev |
Note: meeting in the Ryle Room, Faculty of Philosophy (10 Merton Street) A Solution to the Equality Dilemma: Second-Order Equality and Levelling Down 
question whether equality is morally significant in itself is
perplexing. On the one hand, there is a strong argument in favor of
equality (in the strict sense). On the other hand, the standard
conception of equality faces a powerful objection since it entails a
consideration equality that is good for no one and bad for some (or
everyone) – most notably the levelling down objection. Accordingly, the
common analysis generates a dilemma: either we abandon the strong
intuition in favor of equality or we reject the powerful objection
against it. This paper explores another alternative: a unique
conception of equality – which is part of a more general conception of
fairness concerning the resolution of interpersonal conflicts – which
accommodates the strong intuition in favor of equality, while avoiding
the powerful objection against (standard) equality.
Re'em Segev is Lecturer in Law at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Week 13 (Thu, 23 Jul): Shlomit Wallerstein |
Note: meeting in the Ryle Room, Faculty of Philosophy (10 Merton Street) "A Drunken Consent Is Still Consent” - Or Is It? A Critical Analysis of The law on A Drunken Consent To Sex Following Bree 
Does a person who is voluntarily drunk remain capable of giving valid consent to sex? The Court of Appeal in Bree
held that “a drunken consent is still (valid) consent,” though it
further recognises that the capacity to consent may evaporate well
before a complainant becomes unconscious. This decision is a move in
the right direction, yet I argue that it has not gone far enough, and
that section 74 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003 which governs these
scenarios allows—and even requires—a more drastic interpretation: A
drunken consent is not
consent when the person is very drunk. Based on a distinction between
factual and legal consent, the article starts by setting up the legal
framework as set out in s. 74, and developed in Bree and H.
It then goes on to criticise the current case-law and its
interpretation of s. 74 for not being restrictive enough, by examining
two possible theoretical rationales, mentioned in the judgements. The
first, which is based on an analogy with the law relating to
intoxicated offenders, is criticised on the grounds of differences
between consent and intent. The second, which is based on the general
argument that this position recognises the positive aspect of sexual
autonomy, is criticised for its failure to distinguish between claims
of normative facts and claims of public policy and for giving too much
weight to the latter considerations. From the discussion an
alternative, more restrictive position, emerges in line with s. 74 of
the 2003 Act, according to which a drunken consent is not
consent. This position can be adopted by judges, through the provision
of better guidance to juries, but failing that a reform of the law
might be needed.
Shlomit Wallerstein is University Lecturer in Law and Fellow of St Peter's College, Oxford.
